( 0...38 ) 1/100 inch 0 Off contact
Printing Speed 000 dz/h
( 0.0... 9.9 ) s 0.0 Dwell time
Index left
Index right
Head Type
QZ Flash
QZ Flash + Temp.Sensor
Infra-Red Shuttle Flash
Moving Flash
Cooling Station
Anatol VOLT Emulator
VOLT Screen Printing Machine

Welcome to Anatol’s all-electric VOLT press simulator! In the following tutorial, we’ll walk you through how to get the VOLT press ready for printing in Manual mode, including how to set your off-contact distance, dwell time, print head and flash head parameters, and more. Anatol’s exclusive Aries 2 operating system is designed for maximum user-friendliness – we hope you enjoy giving it a test drive from the comfort of your own home or office!

VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 1: Reset
Before you begin printing, you will have to perform the following:
Press the “Reset” button to reset the machine
Resetting the machine is necessary after every error message and after starting the machine or receiving an open safety bar warning
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 2: Home
Before you begin printing, you will have to perform the following:
Press the “Home” button to move all servos to the home position:
The press will need to be homed every time the press is started and whenever any malfunction or emergency occurs.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 3: Lock
Before you begin printing, you will have to perform the following:
Pressing the “Lock” button closes, or locks, the indexer:
Be sure to set the bearing on the carousel in the right position so it will fit into the fork on the indexer when the indexer moves into the upright, locked position.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 4: Set Off-Contact Distance
Before you begin printing, you will have to set an off-contact distance. This is the vertical distance separating the top of the pallets from the underside of the screens, measured in hundredths of an inch. This separation is required to lay down a proper ink deposit.
For this example, let's set an off-contact distance of 0.15". Click the Off-Contact button and enter a value of 15 with the keypad.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 5: Set Dwell Time
You can use the Dwell Time function to set a delay between indexes (the rotation of the pallets from station to station) to give you more time to load and unload shirts.
For this example, let's set a dwell time of 2 seconds. Press the Dwell Time button to open the keypad and enter a value of 2.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 6: Open Head 1 Settings
Now let’s set up Head 1 to print 1 stroke (one pass of the flood bar and squeegee):
Press the Head 1 Settings icon to open the head settings window. In the head settings window, we can set all the parameters for the print head.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 7: Activate Head 1
First, we need to turn Head 1 on.
Pressing the Activate Head icon in the top right corner of the head settings window will turn Head 1 on.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 8: Set the Number of Strokes
Now we need to indicate that we want Head 1 to perform 1 flood stroke and 1 print stroke (one pass of the flood bar and squeegee).
Press the “No. of strokes” icon to open the keypad and enter a value of 1. This will tell the machine to perform 1 flood stroke and 1 print stroke on Head 1.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 9: Set the Flood/Print Speed
Next, enter the desired speed of the print carriage as a percentage from 0-100%.
Let's enter 50% for the rear (or print) speed and 50% for the front (or flood) speed. We are telling the print carriage to move the flood bar and squeegee back and forth at 50% speed.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 10: Exit Print Head Settings
Exit the Print Head settings window by pressing the X or anywhere outside the window.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 11: Open Head 2 Settings
Now let's designate Head 2 as a head with a flash cure, so we can flash the layer of ink we will print on Head 1.
Click the Head 2 icon to open the settings window for that head.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 12: Designate Head 2 as a Flash Head
To designate Head 2 as a head with a flash cure, click the Head Type button. Let's designate Head 2 as a head where a quartz flash cure is connected.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 12: Designate Head 2 as a Flash Head
Select QZ flash from the list of head types.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 13: Activate Head 2
Now that we have designated Head 2 as a head with a quartz flash cure connected, we have to activate the head.
Press the power button in the top right corner of the Head Settings window to activate the head
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 14: Enter Curing Time
Next we have to set the duration of the flash cure.
For this example, let's enter a flash time of 4 seconds. Press the Drying Time 1 button and enter a value of 4 using the keypad
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 15: Enter Curing Power
Now we have to set the curing power, or the intensity of the flash as a percentage from 0-100%.
Keep in mind you can also adjust the intensity on the flash itself. So if the intensity control on the flash is set to 50% and the curing power on the touchscreen is also set to 50%, you will cure at 25% intensity
For this example, let's enter a curing power of 100%. Press the Drying Power button and enter a value of 100% using the keypad.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 16: Exit Head 2 Settings
Press the X or anywhere outside the Head Settings window to exit the window
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 17: Set 1 Shirt on the Load Station Icon
Now we have to tell the machine we are ready to load a single shirt.
Press the Load Station icon:
Press the Load Station icon so that 1 shirt displays on the icon. We are indicating that a shirt has been loaded on the pallet at the load station. Now we're ready to print that shirt.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 18: Press Manual Print to Begin Printing
We are now ready to print one stroke on Head 1, on a single shirt using the Manual Print mode.
Press the Manual Print icon and the pallet at the load station will index to Head 1 and print 1 stroke at 50% speed. The machine will stop moving when the print stroke is complete.
VOLT Screen Printing Machine
Step 19: Press Manual Print Again to Flash Cure
Press the Manual Print button again to index the shirt to Head 2 and perform the flash cure.
The shirt will be flashed for 4 seconds at 100% intensity.
Thanks for trying Anatol's Aries 2 operating system!

Now you’ve successfully printed and flash cured your first shirt on an all-electric Anatol VOLT automatic press! Easy, wasn’t it?

Anatol’s VOLT press and Aries 2 operating system were designed using feedback from screen printers like you to provide unparalleled ease-of-use and precise, full control over all job parameters.

The VOLT is the only professional-grade all-electric automatic screen printing machine in the world. It gives you maximum speed, power and dependability without the issues of pneumatic components, air compressor and chiller. Reliable servo motors and heavy-duty construction ensure years of consistent, high quality screen printing with minimal downtime and maintenance.

Available in configurations from 4 colors up to 18 colors and with four different maximum image sizes from 15” x 16” up to 20” x 28”, we offer VOLTs to fit shops of all sizes.

Contact us today to learn more about the VOLT and our full lineup of cutting-edge screen printing equipment:

sales@anatol.com 847-367-9760